
Evident is an asset maintenance app that communicates directly with a web client to provide landlords with critical and clear information regarding their assets.

I was the sole iOS Developer on the iOS team. The core functionality of the app was built prior to me joining, however since then I have been tasked with bug fixing, improving the UI and the constant addition of new features, ranging from simple MapKit integrations to offline storage.


Evident uses RESTful API’s to network with the server, sending and returning the most up to date information.

It then presents them in TableViews, dropdown menus and dynamic forms.

We implemented offline storage as a stand-alone app for asset management, called EviTag, before bringing that implementation to the core Evident app as well.

I also intended on integrating some of Apple’s latest API’s and Swift functionalities, such as SiriKit and the Swift 5 Result type, improving the core product and code readability.


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